Galway Traveller Movement awarded with a €1.2m fund for Education

A movement of Travellers, an ethnocultural group mostly formed by Ireland, parts of the United Kingdom and the United of States has been awarded a €1.2M fund for engagement and education effective from 2021 to 2024. The award was one of five awards presented by Mason Hayes & Curran LLP. The other five organisations also benefit from non-financial support packages. 

The awardee Galway Traveller Movement (GTM), has been working to promote education benefiting over 100 children in Galway city and within the county. The movement has followed up and assisted Traveller’s families, empowering and supporting those having negative experiences in schools in order to decrease drop-out rates among the community. The pandemic has especially affected those who face unique barriers such as literacy and language issues. Another major challenge pointed out by the GTM during the pandemic outbreak was the gap in access to the technology needed for homeschooling.

Learn more about the initiative here:


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