In Paris, Theater Company Offers "Scent Awakening" Workshops for COVID-19 Patients who Have Lost their Sense of Smell
The French theater company “Le tir et la lire”, promotes an innovative artistic experience through an “olfactive dramaturgy”. Since 2008 the company uses multisensorial creations to offer the public the opportunity to experience the connection between emotions and smell. Investing the theater stage with music, image projections, diffusion of smells, scenography that complement each other offering a deeper experience that can affect the spectator’s modes of perception.
The company promotes “scent awakening” workshops, where the public experience music, image projections, diffusion of smells, scenography – complementing each other – to help people to get in contact with the feelings brought by different smells.
However, after the outbreak of the pandemic this artistic innovation has been used to help patients recovering from COVID-19. The company adapted their “scent awakening” workshops to help people re-awaken their abilities of perceiving tastes and smells, damaged by this virus. A lot of patients who have lost their sense of smell after COVID-19 re-learn how to use their olfactive senses with the help of these sensorial and ludic activities. The company website has the agenda for upcoming workshops.
Learn more about the company at: https://www.tiretlalyre.com/