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Initiative Smart Villages uses technology to Improve Access to Healthcare for Under-Served Communities in Tanzania

The initiative Smart Villages works to provide access to sustainable energy services and new technologies in order to promote sustainable development. The Smart Villages Initiative works across the world connecting stakeholders and generating new insights to find solutions to tackle the challenges of sustainable development.

The project conducted in rural Maasai communities, in Tanzania, applies the concept of remote health clinics with the aim of connecting isolated communities to basic health services. With a total of over 200 participants including health professionals, the project determined the health needs and priorities of the communities and applied existing video-conferencing technology combined with basic diagnostic equipment and medicine delivery. The project will run 4 remote health clinics in areas with overwhelming patient demand. Those remote communities already suffer from a lack of access to health services and the pandemic just deepened this gap even more. Therefore, such initiative plays a crucial role in ensuring universal access to healthcare, a smart solution for the problems brought by the pandemic but with long-term impacts.

Learn more about the initiative at

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