A collaboration of Ukrainian-American communities to support Ukrainian hospitals
In support of the Ukrainian hospitals, two U.S.-based Ukrainian-American organisations, the Ukrainian-American Association of Oregon and SW Washington and the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, have been shipping medical supplies to Ukrainian hospitals since 2014.
During COVID-19, their support is particularly important for the Ukrainian hospitals. The medical supplies are donated by a faith-based non-profit organisation—the Medical Teams International. Volunteers at the Medical Teams International received and re-packaged donated medical supply items, such as masks and gloves, into hundreds of standard shipping boxes for their long journey to Ukraine in shipping containers. On the Ukrainian side, volunteers are also the driving force that distributes the donated supplies to local hospitals and mobile clinics.
The organisations continue to fundraise to pay for the shipment of medical supplies and emphasize “any amount helps.”
To learn more about the initiative, donate, or volunteer, visit: http://www.uacccalifornia.org; or their Facebook page “UACA Fundraiser for Medical Supplies Shipments to Ukraine”: https://m.facebook.com/donate/135475354753805/