People from across 23 countries took part in this beautiful global digital collaboration to spread hope and love during such trying times.
The song by Michael Jackson has been one of the single greatest and most influential songs in Orly Wahba’s life (the founder of Life Vest inside). She says: “It instilled within me a deep sense of connection to this world and the people in it. Empowering me to not simply believe, but to know that I can be a part of the solution. I’ve never stopped believing in this world.
Every word in this song carries within it a deeper meaning. For those who’ve always loved this song, but wondered when the words would become a reality. Look around. The time has come.  If we choose to be vulnerable again, to trust again, to dream again, and to listen to our inner voice yearning for us to believe again, then we may return to a time when we believed so wholeheartedly that the world could become the one we envisioned. Let us return. The first step, embrace the knowledge that YOU matter, your actions matter, your CHOICES matter. Let’s bet again on this world we once believed in and the people in it. And remember, there is a spark of goodness in each and every one of us.

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