COVID 411 Campaign: Tackling Misinformation using Digital Tools
There is undoubtedly an urgent need to tackle the spread of misinformation during this unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, as the consequences alter the lives and well–being of millions of people over all the continents. Focusing Philanthropy and VillageReach settled a partnership in order to provide accurate health information across three countries–the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, and Mozambique. They also delivered remote, phone-based training to more than 100,000 health workers.
Since 2001, VillageReach supports countries to strengthen and improve the performance of their health systems. Their core programs are focused on improving access to quality primary care for more than 40 million people in sub-Saharan Africa.
The COVID 411 Campaign’s objective is to disseminate important and accurate information related to the prevention and treatment through a wide range of digital tools and to support remote training for Community Health Workers (HCWs).
A pledge by Focusing Philanthropy will add $1 for every $1 contributed by VillageReach donors, up to $750,000 in matching support toward the overall campaign goal of $1,500,000.
If you would like to know more:
Village Reach: https://www.villagereach.org/home/contact-us/
Focusing philanthropy: https://www.focusingphilanthropy.org/villagereach-covid-411-campaign/